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Solo Show "Clad in Light"



11/8(金)より、Social Good Gallery(東京・渋谷)にて個展「Clad in Light」を開催いたします。初日(11/8)にはアーティスト・トークを実施。そして11/8(金)、11/9(土)、11/10(日)は明治神宮の光を素材としたワークショップを開催します。さらに、新作の立体や平面作品も発表する展示となります。どうぞご期待ください。


塩井一孝「Clad in Light」






東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷3-12-19 アピカ原宿101

お問合せ:IG @socialgoodgallery


◎ アーティスト・トーク



◎ ワークショップ「明治神宮の光で写光石を作ろう」













塩井一孝(Kazutaka Shioi)

アーティスト/九州大学芸術工学部 非常勤講師。1987年生まれ、福岡県宗像市在住。福岡教育大学大学院修了(教育学修士)。身近な自然を題材に作品を制作している。主な個展に「Light of Langsuir」マレーシア国立美術館ランカウイ分館(主催:国際交流基金クアラルンプール日本文化センター)/「光の呼吸」みぞえ画廊(福岡)など多数。2022年に世界遺産・宗像大社に作品が奉納、2024年 マレーシア国立美術館レジデンスプログラムに招聘された。


Exhibition Information

I am holding a solo exhibition “Clad in Light” at Social Good Gallery (Shibuya, Tokyo) starting from 11/8 (Fri.). An artist talk will be held on the first day (11/8). On 11/8 (Fri.), 11/9 (Sat.), and 11/10 (Sun.), workshops will be held using light from Meiji Jingu Shrine as a material. In addition, new sculptures and two-dimensional works will be exhibited. Please look forward to it.

Kazutaka Shioi “Clad in Light”

November 8 (Fri) - 17 (Sun), 2024

13:00-18:00 (until 17:00 on the last day)

Closed: Tuesday, November 12 and Wednesday, November 13


Social Good Gallery

101 Apica Harajuku, 3-12-19 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Contact: IG @socialgoodgallery

Event Information:

◎Artist Talk

Friday, November 8, 18:00-

Admission: Free

◎ Workshop “Create a Sha-Ko-Seki with the light of Meiji Shrine”

11/8 (Fri.) 10:00-12:00

11/9 (Sat) 10:00-12:00

11/10 (Sun) 10:00-12:00

Participation fee: 10,000 yen (tax included)

Capacity: 5 people per session (reservation required)

About the exhibition:

Kazutaka Shioi's works do not only capture nature itself but also the light that he captures, which is a landscape right in front of our eyes, yet somehow out of our reach. The natural scenes reflected in “Sha-Ko-Seki: light reflecting stone” are more than mere visual reproductions of landscapes; they evoke subtle expressions of light that we usually overlook, as well as moments in which time and memory overlap.

What is it that makes us who we are in the first place? Where am I headed? are the essence of Shioi's work, creating a place for profound dialogue. Shioi's sharp eye carefully scoops up the energy and memories hidden in nature and speaks to our hearts through the light of his work.

During the exhibition, a workshop for making Sha-Ko-Seki will be held to share the ideas and philosophy behind the works. Please take this opportunity to enjoy the unique world view created by Kazutaka Shioi.

Tomoko Yoshimura (Social Good Gallery)

Artist Information:

Kazutaka Shioi

He is a visual artist and part-time lecturer at  the School of Design, Kyushu University. He was born in 1987 in Miyazaki and now lives in Munakata City, Fukuoka, Japan. He holds a M.A. from Fukuoka University of Education. His work draws inspiration from the nature around him. His major solo exhibitions include “Light of Langsuir,” National Art Gallery, Langkawi (Malaysia), organized by the Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur; “Breath of Light,” Mizoe Art Gallery (Fukuoka, Japan); his works were dedicated to the World Heritage Munakata Taisha Shrine in 2022, and he was invited to the residence program at the National Art Gallery of Malaysia in 2024.


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